Comware shortcuts

interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 => interface g1/0/1
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/25 => interface te1/0/25


<comware-switch>display hotkey
----------------- HOTKEY -----------------

            =Defined hotkeys=
Hotkeys Command
CTRL_G  display current-configuration
CTRL_L  display ip routing-table
CTRL_O  undo debugging all

           =Undefined hotkeys=
Hotkeys Command

            =System hotkeys=
Hotkeys Function
CTRL_A  Move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
CTRL_B  Move the cursor one character left.
CTRL_C  Stop current command function.
CTRL_D  Erase current character.
CTRL_E  Move the cursor to the end of the current line.
CTRL_F  Move the cursor one character right.
CTRL_H  Erase the character left of the cursor.
CTRL_K  Kill outgoing connection.
CTRL_N  Display the next command from the history buffer.
CTRL_P  Display the previous command from the history buffer.
CTRL_R  Redisplay the current line.
CTRL_V  Paste text from the clipboard.
CTRL_W  Delete the word left of the cursor.
CTRL_X  Delete all characters up to the cursor.
CTRL_Y  Delete all characters after the cursor.
CTRL_Z  Return to the User View.
CTRL_]  Kill incoming connection or redirect connection.
ESC_B   Move the cursor one word back.
ESC_D   Delete remainder of word.
ESC_F   Move the cursor forward one word.
ESC_N   Move the cursor down a line.
ESC_P   Move the cursor up a line.
ESC_<   Specify the beginning of clipboard.
ESC_>   Specify the end of clipboard.


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