Hi, I've been using UltraVNC for a while and while commenting on an article on UnixTutorials , I thought it would be a good idea to share my knowledge. First, I must say that UltraVNC is a free version of VNC that has more features than the free version of RealVNC (thanks for sharing the code, though...). It supports encryption and Active Directory authentication, and a few other nice features. But what I want to talk about today is the Single-Click feature (SC). Very useful... Example situation: One of your client went to a foreign country and he wants to configure the e-mail client of a laptop he borrowed there. VNC is not installed. You can spend an hour telling him over the phone how to configure Outlook or Thunderbird, or just tell him to go to your website, download a single executable, and take control of the PC and configure it. How to proceed: Make sure the VNC (or UltraVNC, for the rest of the text) viewer is loaded on your computer, in listen mode. You can access...