PfSense follow-up
I have been using PfSense for a month now, so I thought I should post about it... I ran into a few problems that I'd like to share:
For the second problem, I increased my lease time to 1 week. Logs show nothing about what could have caused this incident (according to the logs, PfSense's DHCP server was still serving clients correctly).
NOTE: RC2 is out, I'm trying that right now...
- Unexpected crashes caused by a PSU that was not powerful enough
- All my devices/computers lost their IP address (DHCP)
For the second problem, I increased my lease time to 1 week. Logs show nothing about what could have caused this incident (according to the logs, PfSense's DHCP server was still serving clients correctly).
NOTE: RC2 is out, I'm trying that right now...