Hi, Time for another knowledge-sharing post. I recently discovered a very good alternative to shared, reseller, or dedicated hosting: A virtual private server (VPS). In fact, a VPS is a virtual machine running, with many other virtual machines (VM). There are many packages, but the cheapest are: Tektonic (Based on Virtuozzo. I own 3 VPS from them. Very, very nice and responsive people. They've been very supportive for me in my beginnings with VPSs. OpenHosting (Based on linux Vserver, fedora core 4 only for now, interesting utility billing system) Vpslink (Based on OpenVZ, the open-source version of Virtuozzo, never tried yet) Tektonic puts limit on outbound bandwidth that can be sometimes harsh. (Unmetered 1 mbps max for the smallest plan (15$/month)). That is more interesting for applications that don't need much outbound traffic (like remote backup, you have an unmetered 100mbps!) or e-mail, which don't really need an instant transfer, but can be problematic for web...